Search Results 'sevendust'
Janus Frontman David Scotney Talks Touring with Chevelle, Playing NYC, & Nox Aeris with sat down with Janus' frontman David Scotney for an interview. We discuss the pros and cons of performing in NYC, the band's excitement for the new album, whether writing "Nox Aeris" was influenced by the [...]
Dark New Day’s Brett Hestla Talks ‘New Tradition’ with sits down with Dark New Day frontman Brett Hestla for an exclusive interview. Listen in as we clear up any of the confusion around Dark New Day, why "New Tradition" is finally getting released, if [...]
A Concert Review and Exclusive Interview with Sevendust
The hardest working band in modern rock chose a relatively remote New Jersey venue for their only area performance as a part of the HardDrive Live Tour. But the short trip across the river and [...]
A Concert Review: The Carnival of Madness
The number of modern rock acts with the ability to sell out a 10,000 plus seat venue in 2010 can be counted on less than ten fingers. Thus promoters have come up with festival concepts [...]
WCS Sip For The Sea Returns to Central Park Zoo
Eggplant Meatballs - How cool!
WCS Sip For The Sea Returns to Central Park Zoo
If you are going to have a tart - why not have it with Thyme and goat
WCS Sip For The Sea Returns to Central Park Zoo
If you are going to have a tart - why not have it with Thyme and goat
WCS Sip For The Sea Returns to Central Park Zoo
Did you also feel that the Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho was a bit heavy on
WCS Sip For The Sea Returns to Central Park Zoo
Great article and love the picture of the seaweed taco!