The monster that is heavy metal is a constantly evolving beast. There are literally hundreds of sub-genres for fans to fill their Mp3 players with. Yet one band stands high among the fray of the new wave of American heavy metal. They are the mighty Machine Head. Forming in 1992, the four piece metal outfit has gained a reputation as respected professionals and determined road dogs. To their die hard fans they are affectionately called, “Machine Fucking Head.” You have to love that.
Earlier this week, the LocalBozo crew was down at the Rockstar Mayhem Festival to check out their killer line-up of hard rock and heavy metal bands. We were fortunate to score a few minutes with Machine Head drummer, Dave McClain. McClain, who joined the band in 1995 spoke to us about touring on the Mayhem Festival, the current rock landscape, his influences, and recording the new album. On September 27th Machine Head will unleah “Unto The Locust” worldwide marking their seventh full-length studio release. For tour dates and more information on the band, check out
- Jayson Rubin